cd cesm1_2_2/scripts ./create_newcase -case test1 -res f45_g37 -compset X -mach userdefined
1 2 3 4
WARNING: The perl module XML::LibXML is needed for XML parsing in the CESM script system. Please contact your local systems administrators or IT staff and have them install it for you, or install the module locally.
在这里需要加载perl的xml模块,用spack load一下:
spack load perl-xml-libxml@2.0201
./create_newcase -case test1 -res f45_g37 -compset X -mach userdefined
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a list of potential issues in the current tag, please point your web browser to: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- grid longname is f45_g37 Component set: longname (shortname) (alias) 2000_XATM_XLND_XICE_XOCN_XROF_XGLC_XWAV (X) (X) Component set Description: XATM: XLND: Xrof: XICE: XOCN: XGLC: XWAV: present day: Grid: a%4x5_l%4x5_oi%gx3v7_r%r05_m%gx3v7_g%null_w%null (4x5_gx3v7) ATM_GRID = 4x5 NX_ATM=72 NY_ATM=46 LND_GRID = 4x5 NX_LND=72 NX_LND=46 ICE_GRID = gx3v7 NX_ICE=100 NX_ICE=116 OCN_GRID = gx3v7 NX_OCN=100 NX_OCN=116 ROF_GRID = r05 NX_ROF=720 NX_ROF=360 GLC_GRID = 4x5 NX_GLC=72 NX_GLC=46 WAV_GRID = null NX_WAV=0 NX_WAV=0 Grid Description: null is no grid: 4x5 is FV 4-deg grid: gx3v7 is Greenland pole v7 3-deg grid: r05 is 1/2 degree river routing grid: Non-Default Options: ATM_NCPL: 48 BUDGETS: FALSE CCSM_CO2_PPMV: 379.000 COMP_ATM: xatm COMP_GLC: xglc COMP_ICE: xice COMP_LND: xlnd COMP_OCN: xocn COMP_ROF: xrof COMP_WAV: xwav CPL_ALBAV: false CPL_EPBAL: off GLC_NEC: 10 OCN_NCPL: 1 OCN_TIGHT_COUPLING: FALSE ROF_NCPL: $ATM_NCPL SCIENCE_SUPPORT: NO
The PE layout for this case match these options: CCSM_LCOMPSET = XATM|DATM.+CLM GRID = a%4x5 Creating /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1 Created /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/env_case.xml Created /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/env_mach_pes.xml Created /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/env_build.xml Created /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/env_run.xml Locking file /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/env_case.xml Successfully created the casefor userdefined
1 2
cd test1 ./cesm_setup
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ERROR: must set xml variable OS to generate Macros file ERROR: must set xml variable EXEROOT to build the model ERROR: must set xml variable MPILIB to build the model ERROR: must set xml variable NTASKS_LND to build the model ERROR: must set xml variable NTASKS_ROF to build the model ERROR: must set xml variable COMPILER to build the model ERROR: must set xml variable NTASKS_CPL to build the model ERROR: must set xml variable DIN_LOC_ROOT to build the model ERROR: must set xml variable NTASKS_ICE to build the model ERROR: must set xml variable RUNDIR to build the model ERROR: must set xml variable NTASKS_GLC to build the model ERROR: must set xml variable NTASKS_OCN to build the model ERROR: must set xml variable MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE to build the model ERROR: must set xml variable NTASKS_ATM to build the model ERROR: must set xml variable NTASKS_WAV to build the model ERROR: must set xml variable CESMSCRATCHROOT to build the model Correct above and issue cesm_setup again
Creating Macros file for userdefined /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/ccsm_utils/Machines/config_compilers.xml intel userdefined Creating batch script Locking file env_mach_pes.xml Creating user_nl_xxx files for components and cpl Running preview_namelist script syntax error at /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/models/drv/bld/build-namelist line 784, near "$model qw(cpl atm lnd ice ocn glc rof wav)" Can\'t redeclare "my" in "my" at /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/models/drv/bld/build-namelist line 787, near "my" Global symbol "$model" requires explicit package name (did you forget to declare "my $model"?) at /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/models/drv/bld/build-namelist line 787. Execution of /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/models/drv/bld/build-namelist aborted due to compilation errors. ERROR: cpl.buildnml.csh failed ERROR: /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/preview_namelists failed: 25344
Macros script already created ...skipping Machine/Decomp/Pes configuration has already been done ...skipping Running preview_namelist script infile is /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/Buildconf/cplconf/cesm_namelist See ./CaseDoc for component namelists If an old case build already exists, might want to run test1.clean_build before building
------------------------------------------------------------------------- CESM BUILDNML SCRIPT STARTING - To prestage restarts, untar a restart.tar file into /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/exe/run infile is /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/Buildconf/cplconf/cesm_namelist CESM BUILDNML SCRIPT HAS FINISHED SUCCESSFULLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CESM PRESTAGE SCRIPT STARTING - Case input data directory, DIN_LOC_ROOT, is /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/wyf/2021-train/CESM/inputdata - Checking the existence of input datasets in DIN_LOC_ROOT CESM PRESTAGE SCRIPT HAS FINISHED SUCCESSFULLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CESM BUILDEXE SCRIPT STARTING rm: No match. COMPILER is intel - Build Libraries: mct gptl pio csm_share Sat Apr 3 21:42:20 CST 2021 /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/exe/intel/mpich/nodebug/nothreads/mct.bldlog.210403-214216 Sat Apr 3 21:43:10 CST 2021 /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/exe/intel/mpich/nodebug/nothreads/gptl.bldlog.210403-214216 Sat Apr 3 21:43:13 CST 2021 /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/exe/intel/mpich/nodebug/nothreads/pio.bldlog.210403-214216 Sat Apr 3 21:43:54 CST 2021 /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/exe/intel/mpich/nodebug/nothreads/csm_share.bldlog.210403-214216 Sat Apr 3 21:44:30 CST 2021 /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/exe/atm.bldlog.210403-214216 Sat Apr 3 21:44:31 CST 2021 /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/exe/lnd.bldlog.210403-214216 Sat Apr 3 21:44:32 CST 2021 /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/exe/ice.bldlog.210403-214216 Sat Apr 3 21:44:32 CST 2021 /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/exe/ocn.bldlog.210403-214216 Sat Apr 3 21:44:33 CST 2021 /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/exe/glc.bldlog.210403-214216 Sat Apr 3 21:44:34 CST 2021 /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/exe/wav.bldlog.210403-214216 Sat Apr 3 21:44:35 CST 2021 /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/exe/rof.bldlog.210403-214216 Sat Apr 3 21:44:35 CST 2021 /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/exe/cesm.bldlog.210403-214216 - Locking file env_build.xml CESM BUILDEXE SCRIPT HAS FINISHED SUCCESSFULLY -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
------------------------------------------------------------------------- CESM BUILDNML SCRIPT STARTING - To prestage restarts, untar a restart.tar file into /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/exe/run infile is /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/zhb/cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/Buildconf/cplconf/cesm_namelist CESM BUILDNML SCRIPT HAS FINISHED SUCCESSFULLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CESM PRESTAGE SCRIPT STARTING - Case input data directory, DIN_LOC_ROOT, is /GPUFS/sysu_hpcedu_302/wyf/2021-train/CESM/inputdata - Checking the existence of input datasets in DIN_LOC_ROOT CESM PRESTAGE SCRIPT HAS FINISHED SUCCESSFULLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Apr 3 21:49:31 CST 2021 -- CSM EXECUTION BEGINS HERE Sat Apr 3 21:49:31 CST 2021 -- CSM EXECUTION HAS FINISHED (seq_mct_drv): =============== SUCCESSFUL TERMINATION OF CPL7-CCSM ===============